The PLG (Parents Liaison Group) is a voluntary organisation of parents who encourage closer links between home and school. In addition to organising fundraising events, the group also has a proactive social function and provides an opportunity for parents and staff to meet with one another. 
The Welcome Coffee Morning, organised at the start of the school year, is an opportunity for parents to meet other members of the group and exchange contact information. In addition, the PLG hosts an informal coffee morning to enable parents to mingle and make new friends. 



PLG Responsibilities 

  • The PLG manages a list of babysitters and a database of language support links for new families. Further information can be found on the PLG Facebook page. 
  • The committee meets at the school regularly. A dedicated Class Rep for each year group communicates useful information to other parents at coffee morning events. 
  • Interested parents can volunteer as Class Reps, and there can be more than one Rep per year group. There is also a Boarders’ Rep. 
  • In Term 1, the PLG organises a Family Picnic for all pupils and a separate Halloween Party for Junior pupils. 
  • In Terms 2 and 3, the PLG hosts social events, such as Cheese and Wine evenings and Quiz nights. The PLG also organises the termly sale of second-hand school uniforms, hosts fundraising events, and helps with school trips and other activities.